Saturday, 21 October 2017

Short Scribble 28

When the intensity of emotion tears through the sheath of facial pretense.. that's when tears aren't salty.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Short Scribble 27

You aren't afraid of dying..

You are afraid of your reality crumbling down upon you, you are afraid of being stranded upon a world full of corpses that shan't respond to your cries of helplessness, you're afraid of your voice becoming useless.. you aren't afraid of an eternal sleep, you're afraid of waking up to nothing, of being caught, locked up..

You aren't afraid of dying, you're afraid of living forever.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Short Scribble 26

The restless soul calms when by her side,
Beats my heart, now both heavy and light,
As I rest my head, upon her lap,
And my limbs on the temple's grass.

Sweet words flow, in the tongue of my land,
Waking life in each grain of sand,
Sways my heart, instead of the umbilical cord that was,
Dancing in tune, with the music of Assam.

8:31pm, 10.5.1017

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Short Scribble 24

Life is a hot, perennial summer,
And art is a cool pool,
Which one digs and fills,
Where the world takes a dip,
Immersing itself whole,
Bathing in its refreshing waters,
Losing themselves for a few moments,
So they can get out there,
And walk another mile.

8:08pm on 30.4.2017 at C504, H13, IIT Bombay

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Short Scribble 23

If you have seen pain, write, my friend, write.. For your story is a story that they will tell themselves as they read, cementing the faith and hope they need to go through what they are going through...

This world runs not on logic or rationality, it runs on following by example.. We overcome the worst of our insecurities when we realise that we are not alone, when we realise that we have company.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Short Scribble 22: From the Diary of a Creep

Lies my camera,
Lie her lips,
Lies the crowd,
And all my friends,

Lies she, the woman I know,
Better than she knows herself,

I know for sure,
That she loves me,
Deeper than she does,
Anything else

And to save her,
I shall go -
In pursuit of her,
To save her from the clutches
Of her delusion -

A truth one that none can see,
Not even she,
But know for I know,
And I shall stop at no end,
Until she sees sense.

Written on 10.3.2017

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Short Scribble 21

Men and women are prisoners of the time they live in, their writings and musics being their muffled screams heard by those of other times

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Short Scribble 19

I am still a pupil of the mystery that her pupils hide. A small sphere but it holds an entire ocean that drowns not only my body but my soul as well.. There's a reason I can't look anywhere else..

Short Scribble 39

They say be yourself and do not compromise yourself or dilute your essence to accommodate anyone else. It has to be understood that identity...