Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Short Scribble 22: From the Diary of a Creep

Lies my camera,
Lie her lips,
Lies the crowd,
And all my friends,

Lies she, the woman I know,
Better than she knows herself,

I know for sure,
That she loves me,
Deeper than she does,
Anything else

And to save her,
I shall go -
In pursuit of her,
To save her from the clutches
Of her delusion -

A truth one that none can see,
Not even she,
But know for I know,
And I shall stop at no end,
Until she sees sense.

Written on 10.3.2017


Short Scribble 39

They say be yourself and do not compromise yourself or dilute your essence to accommodate anyone else. It has to be understood that identity...